Monday 1 June 2009

Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslexia Symptoms - 95% of Adult Dyslexics Don't Know They Are Dyslexic
- Are You One?

Dyslexia is a term applied to a broad range of neurological "data processing" problems that most notably (and usually) manifest themselves in problems with reading. Thus the word "dys" (non-functional) "lexia" (having to do with written words and reading). This article is about dyslexia symptoms.

Today almost all public school systems screen students for dyslexia, which affects 10 - 15% of school-age children. But those of us who entered the school system before they understood dyslexia and began screening for it, muddled along as best we could, being "different"

Not being able to understand, grasp the meaning of and manipulate and deal with words and numbers as well as our peers, those of us with dyslexia symptoms had a generally hard time of it. Dyslexics got labeled as "slow learners" or "lazy, doesn't apply him/herself" or "a bit dense".

When it came our turn in class to read aloud, we got laughed at, ridiculed, and it hurt. Most dyslexics ended up with low self-esteem as a result.

Today one of the leading dyslexia symptoms among adults is low self-esteem. On a list of dyslexia symptoms then, we could put low self-esteem as a primary indicator.

Next on our list would be sub-standard reading abilities. Adults with dyslexia generally try to hide their reading problems by not reading much. They may also spell poorly and avoid writing things. Although many of these adults have excellent creative skills, they may seem to have a phobia against reading and writing.

Another dyslexia symptom is that Adults with dyslexia may have difficulty in concentrating, may often be restless, have problems with short-term memory, and may seem confused at times.

Another tell-tale indicator or dyslexia symptom is being under-employed. Many adults with Dyslexia are employed at jobs that seem to be beneath their intelligence and abilities. This because they may have difficulty in finding a more suitable job because of their dyslexia-based inabilities.

This, of course, tends to make them lose more self confidence and self esteem. All this tends to make a Dyslexic person feel inadequate, isolated, rejected, and have low self esteem and low self confidence. (See "...leading dyslexia symptoms...", above).

Other common symptoms among Dyslexic adults is that they may take a long time to read a book and understand it, skip reading some words or lines (and avoid reading and writing). They may have problems with sequences of steps or events, problems with note taking, and/or difficulties in time management.

All of the dyslexic problems described above can be overcome. They should not be permitted to hold the sufferer back. The other side to the "dyslexia coin" is the extraordinary abilities demonstrated by many dyslexic people.

A simple dyslexia test could identify any problems a dyslexic person may have, which would be the first step to overcoming those problems. This could put them on the right track to success and happiness and to achieving his or her full potential.

If you or anyone you know has any combination of the above dyslexia symptoms, it would be a good idea to at least take a screening test to confirm or deny the possibilities.

In any case, you won't know for sure unless/until the possibly dyslexic person takes a comprehensive dyslexia test to measure all aspects of dyslexic possibilities. You see, no two dyslexics have exactly the same symptoms. Thus simple screening tests, aimed at the masses, may miss many important details.

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